High school coach is charged with trading drugs for explicit photos of girl

A highschool basketball coach was arrested Friday on suspicion of providing a 13-year-old woman alcohol and medicines in change for express pictures and movies of herself, in response to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Division.

Miles Alexander, 42, of Pasadena was arrested after a joint investigation with the sheriff’s Particular Victims Bureau and the FBI decided he messaged the woman on Snapchat in October and November, authorities stated. He stays in police custody on a $340,000 bail.

Alexander has been charged with three counts of lewd act on a toddler below the age of 14, and one depend of utilizing a minor for intercourse acts, in response to the Los Angeles County District Lawyer’s Workplace.

Investigators say Alexander labored as a highschool basketball coach for a number of faculties within the San Gabriel Valley and as a highschool referee within the Los Angeles space.

Investigators stated Alexander was in touch with a number of females over Snapchat.

Anybody with details about the suspect or in the event that they assume they're a sufferer can contact investigators on the Particular Victims Bureau toll free tip line at (877) 710-5273 or by e-mail at specialvictimsbureau@lasd.org.

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